When I tell people that we’ve been married eight years, it makes me think that we were babies when we decided to get married.
I think of all the life we’ve lived thus far together. There have been big moments, small moments. There has been fighting. Forgiving. Loving. Learning. Growing. Parenting. Moving. Dreaming. Changing.
I think about the fact that we’ve almost spent 1/3 of our lives together. It’s truly incredible.
We’re far from the same people we chose to marry eight years ago, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I believe marriage is a promise to grow together in all of the change. In all of the lost dreams. In the brokenness. In the hardships. In the rainy days. In the unexpected things. In the hurt. In the sorrow. It’s also a promise to hold your hand and give you a hug in all of the turns that life brings.
The beauty of that promise is that we get celebrate life together. We became parents together. We’ve rejoiced in success. Sunsets. Happiness. Love. Honor. Respect. Trust. Sunny days. Mountaintops. Goodness.
Our life is not what I expected it would be eight years ago. In fact, it’s a million times better than anything I could have ever dreamed.
I love you, Brendan. Forever, you’re my everything.

First and third images by Sean Flanigan. Fourth image by Jenna Thomas. Sixth and seventh images by Kristen Marie. Eighth image by Meghan Melia.