On your third birthday this morning, we surprised you with a room full of balloons, which I think you’ll enjoy even more than your birthday gift. You still let me cuddle with you and rock you to sleep for a nap, those of which are few and far in between lately.
After editing your video, it’s wild to think that at the beginning of the year you were still wearing diapers. You were still nursing. You were still in between the baby/toddler phase and the child phase. Entering into three it feels like you’re a lot more grown up.
You’re still a super sweet, considerate boy. You are the silliest kid I know who has the most vivid expressions. While we’re a little delayed in speech, you still find the most innovative ways to communicate. The “threenager” tantrums have begun, but your light still shines through in this overwhelming time in your development.
My dear boy, I hope you know how much you are loved and adored.

The last five images by Julia Wade.