Beth and Bryant’s wedding at The Ridge in Asheville was meticulously planned to every last detail. Their wedding landed on a slightly cooler November day. The sun shone all day, leaving behind the most vivid golden sunset as tucked itself over the mountains. Their guests took in the majestic architecture of the The Basilica, while the priest delivered a moving liturgy.
Friends and family gathered on the patio with jackets and faux-fur to take in the last minutes of sunshine. Their guests were greeted with Beth + Bryant’s favorite cocktails, including one that had a special smoke infusion.
Beth + Bryant’s stunning vision came to life, thanks to their hard work and an incredible vendor team. Iris and Marie Press knocked it out of the park with their stationary design. Meagan Warren also deserves major credit for the event design, as well as Floressence Flowers for the florals. Monet’s paintings were the inspiration behind their color palette, and a replica of one of his paintings even made it into the envelope liner! The emerald suit that Bryant wore was on point with the theme, and it looked sharp! I love when couples think outside of the box for their wedding clothes.
Guests gathered around tables at the Chateau with candlelight to illuminate the evening. The dancing lasted all evening, until guests were escorted outside to line up for sparklers. Beth and Bryant took in the last song alone on the dance floor, wiping tears in amazement of the day.