Kitt, I can’t believe you are four! It seemed like yesterday that you fit in my arms. This year you’ve truly transformed from a toddler into a little boy. You are growing in your speech leaps and bounds! You are incredible at any sport you pick up, especially golf. We’ve enjoyed watching you enter the world of imagination and pretend. You are an entertainer and love making everyone around you laugh. Your energy is endless. I never want the wildness and freedom of childhood to leave you.
When the world around us fell apart, you have handled all of the transitions with grace. It wasn’t easy to avoid playing with friends for eight months and counting. Or, to stay off the playgrounds. Really, any indoor activity was (and is) cancelled. Our weekly adventures (grocery store, science museum, shopping) have pretty much become obsolete; yet, you don’t complain. We pray and hope that this year’s constraints will not affect your development. We hope that the extra time you’ve had with us will only benefit your years ahead. I know that we have cherished the extra time we were able to spend with you. It was a light in a very dark tunnel
Cheers to another year of life. I thank the Lord for your life every day. You’ve changed my world for the better.

I cannot believe how big he got!! I feel like it was just yesterday that I spent my post – weddings nights there! He is such a wonderful boy and your photos of him are so special!
So wonderful to watch Kitt grow, and such an encouragement just to experience his joy through the video and pictures! Thanks for posting and sharing! You guys are doing such a fabulous job as parents. <3