It’s easy to go down a rabbit hole when shopping online. There is unlimited camera gear you can invest in, and most of it is expensive. Here are a few gift ideas for the photographers that you love (or yourself):
Under $50
Online Education
I usually spend at least one or two weeks in the winter taking an online course to expand my knowledge, whether something technical, business-related, or just to expand my creativity. Lynda and Creative Live are great places to start.

Shutter Release
For those that want to actually be in their family photos or to play with long exposures. There are many options, but the simplest ones can be purchased for under $20.
Memory Card Case
Memory cards are precious, and they should be protected. I have a case similar to this, and it has protected my cards from rain, toddlers, drops, and more.

Prints/Photo Book
Even the best photographers don’t make time to print their art. Gift a photo book or a fine art print of their work. I try to make several books each year of our family photos and my professional work so that it gets in print. Artifact Uprising is a great place to start.
Books on Creativity
There are infinite books on the creative process, but these are my favorites:
War of Art, Keep Going, Big Magic, and The Creative Habit.

Lens Mug
For those late nights editing, every photographer can use this thermos.
Under $250

iPhone Lenses
To make your iPhone camera a little bit sweeter, these lenses can add depth or width. Moment has a ton of other sweet iPhone accessories too.
New Camera Strap
I receive so many compliments about my dual camera straps, and I adore them. I’ve used Hold Fast’s Money Maker for years, and I recently added Rose Anvil’s strap to my collection (the RA strap is actually more than $250). I like them both for different reasons, and they are both incredible.

Pancake lens
If you’re a Canon user, I adore this lens for personal work. It’s great to travel with because of its compact size. It works really well for the price too.
Under $500
New Camera Bag
A camera bag is a very personal item, and it is worth investing in one that you love. Some of my favorite bag companies are Ona Bags, Langly, Thinktank, and Kelly Moore.
These can be so helpful for retouching and nitty gritty editing.
I hope this helps you with gift ideas for the photographers in your life! For more of my favorite camera gear, check out this link!