2019 GOALS

Brendan and I are goal-oriented people. It might be a first-born thing. We truly enjoy working towards something each year, and putting words on paper keeps us accountable. We pray over each project and dream, that doors will open and close as they should. 

This is the first year that I have worked with Lara Casey’s Powersheets. They are a game-changer. I’ve already found myself keeping up with habits longer because I can track them on a daily basis. I’ve also found ourselves completing projects quicker than we typically do because it helps us stay organized without trying to take on too much too quickly.

Before I jump into this year, let’s see how last year went:


2018 GOALS

1. Health

// Rehab ankle so that I can get back to running in 2018.
+Found out late in the year that I have celiac disease, which is probably to blame for the ankle issues. The rehab didn’t help much, but I’m hoping this dramatic diet change will help the inflammation.

// Less time on social media. Limit to two times a day. Lord help me. This will be a difficult one.
+Yes, this was difficult and only happened for a few months. Working on this again this year.

// Get into a daily exercise routine that can be practiced during busy season, even if it’s only 15 minutes/day.
+With so many health issues this year (ultimately getting diagnosed), it was difficult to exercise. I finally feel like I’m starting to heal and can get back into the swing of things. Hoping to revitalize this goal for this year.

// Learn more about meditation practice.
+I did download the Headspace app, but I only practiced when I felt it was necessary. Hoping to make this a daily routine in 2019.

// Less sugar, more salads.
+Unintentionally this is happened drastically when I had to cut out bread and other pastries.

// Less trashy TV, more educational podcasts while editing.
+Hah I think I spent most of 2018 editing to Revenge and other dramas. I have had a better start for 2019, however.

// Wake up a little bit earlier to prioritize quiet time, prayer, and meditation.
+Again, didn’t happen, but it’s already been a better practice in 2019.

2. Family

// Catch up on 2016 + 2017 family books from Artifact Uprising.

// Make Kitt’s one year video.

// Continue to take monthly portraits of Kitt on my SLR.
+This somewhat happened but not as much as I liked.

// Continue weekly planning meetings with B to communicate better about our schedules.
+We had good months and bad months of being on top of this. This is on our goal sheet again for 2019.

// Plan anniversary trip! We’re thinking Iceland might be our country of choice for 2018.
+Yes! But, we ultimately went with Montréal because it was our first time away from Kitt and didn’t want to leave him for more than a few days. 

// Continue bi-monthly date nights.
+ Yes! We trade with friends of ours every week, and it is the best! I can’t believe that more people don’t do this because babysitters are expensive.

// Find a sitter for Kitt and Poa. (Anyone know of the best way to go about this?)
+One of my lovely brides helped me out a little this year, but I’m still working on building this network…

// Carve out time for a weekly family day and a monthly adventure/outing.
+I would give us a B- on this. We were good about making hikes happen more often than not, but I’d love to make this a bigger priority in 2019!

3. Self-Care

// Monthly creative space. Once a month, do something that is creative, fun, and away from the office.
+Nope. I wish this had happened.

// Finish #emertlangeproject
+Not yet either. 

// Complete two workshops (Teethkiss + Awakening the Spark)

// Work through my “oneness.” Learning about the enneagram changed my life! It revealed my strengths and weakness. As a “one,” I need to learn to be less of a perfectionist, less critical of myself, delegate more.
+Always a work in progress :)

// Learn one new skill or craft.
+Not yet.

// Less, less, less. Purge our house, buy less things, enjoy what we have, experiences vs. things.
+Yes, yes yes. We’ve been better about this.

4. Service

// Find a way to serve the community on a regular basis. Maybe return to volunteering for Arts for Life? Connect with nonprofit and help with media?
+Still want to do this.

5. MorningWild

// Make time for more real life family sessions, elopements, and boudoir work. Don’t get me wrong, I still LOVE weddings. I just want to make a pointed effort to leave space for these in my schedule too :)
+YES! I put this out in the universe early in 2018 and was so happy to have so many on my calendar. I would love for this to continue into 2019.

// Integrate new albums and books for late 2018 and 2019 pricing. I’m excited to collaborate with these new companies!

// Blog more frequently. Blog more personal work and educational posts.
+YES! Need to work on the personal + educational, but prepping blog posts in the off season helped a ton with posting consistently.

// Hire a spring intern and fall intern.

// Explore new packaging options for 2018 couples.

// Update website.

// Update guides and welcome book.

// Catch up on submissions before the season begins.

//  Integrate blog and website into a new blogsite? 
+I can finally check this off in 2019 :)



1.Reclaim my health

The celiac diagnosis hit me hard emotionally. It was (and still is) a tough thing to come to terms with, as food is such a huge part of relationships and community. We are also foodies, and being limited to where and what I can eat is difficult. Thankfully, it was caught early, so I didn’t have as much damage as some people do. 

// See an acupuncturist to help with healing inflammation.

// Find a new GI doctor. Not loving my current one.

// Daily meditation practice. Or, maybe 4-5x’s/wk.

// Weekly yoga or group exercise.

// Find new gluten-free recipes.

// AIP diet to discover other bothersome foods.

// Earlier bedtime.

// Getting off my phone by 9p.

// Start a garden!

2. Intentional Time

As all of you married folks with kids know, you have to work hard to make time for your marriage and friendships. Writing these down on paper helps us not just settle for Netflix nights (even though I cherish those too!).

// Weekly meetings (helps us communicate about the week’s schedule and setting expectations for us both).

// Find a church community.

// Plan outings with friends and neighbors.

// Continue going to book club :)

// Go to local events.

// Find a babysitter.

// Setting a part time bi-monthly to do something together as a family (hiking, day trip, etc.).

// Plan our anniversary trip!

// Plan New Mexico trip!

// Regular Sabbaths (twice a month?).

3. MorningWild

I’ve been in this business for 12 years, and I believe in setting goals every season. It helps me not settle into routine and to keep striving for the best experience for each person that interacts with MorningWild.

// Explore some outsourcing to allow more time for shooting. 

// Update client management software for 2019 pricing and workflows.

// Migrate all galleries back to Pixieset and upload old galleries for online storage.

// Create an intern binder.


// Start a weekly social media plan. Sign-up for Tailwind.

// Consider growing the team.

// Hire fall intern.

4. Embrace Creativity

There’s no doubt from looking at last year’s goals that self-care was a last priority. I’m working harder in 2019 to change this.

// Learn a new art form (pottery? drawing?)

// Finish #emertlangeproject

// Less social media, more books, more movies, more inspirational visuals.

// Shoot more film

// Shoot more for myself (more of our family).

// Carve out time for reflection (possibly on a Sabbath day?).

// Catch up on family books.

// Kitt’s two year video.

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